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的 success of your business is only as good as your people. 你已经知道了,这就是你来的原因.

一定要 登录 访问以下信息.


4的 维护一个大的集合 of standardized agency job descriptions, representing roles common within our industry.

To better find the right talent to fill key agency positions, the 4A’s makes available to our members detailed agency job descriptions, 按部门/学科组织. 的se descriptions have been compiled from actual member employment offerings, and have been modified to remove specific organizational references.

We also have additional job descriptions beyond those posted 在这里. For additional information or requests for sample job descriptions, 请联系4A的商业情报 & 洞察团队 (电子邮件保护).

工资 & 补偿

4的 生产和策划丰富多样的材料 关于机构工资和补偿的话题.This 页面 outlines some of our most frequently requested materials, 其中一些可以在网上找到, 其他的只有在要求时才会提供.

有关商业智能的更多信息 & 洞察力人力资源资料,请联系 海伦米兰达.

机构基准,调查 & 报告

4的 conducts a number of surveys year-round and compiles the data into reports for members to access and use. 欲了解更多信息,请访问亚游线路选择的网站 调查及报告 页面.


  • 2018-19年度休假福利报告 A survey on Leave Benefits covering Separate vacation, 生病的, 和个人休假政策, 带薪休假政策, 无限休息日政策, 丧亲之痛的日子, 在4A的机构做志愿者的日子和暑期工作. 只对4A会员开放. 请亚游线路选择 海伦米兰达 更多的.

的使命 4个专业 & 组织发展 is to help agencies and individuals grow, adapt, and thrive. POD enriches the industry by offering initiatives that develop necessary skills and cultivate leadership. From the highest-level agency executive to the new hire straight out of college, the 4A’s offers 最好的。-in-class learning and career development programs. 亚游线路选择提供多种形式的体验, 从网络研讨会, half-day and full-day workshops to multi-day experiential programs and online certifications. 每个人都有适合所有学科的东西.


  • 为会员提供免费的COVID-19相关网络研讨会  In the wake of such an unprecedented crisis, we have assembled 一系列的网络研讨会 to ensure you and your staff are secure in new work-from-home scenarios.
  • 领导力培训 4的 has developed various programs for agency professionals to learn skills to become future agency leaders. 的 objective is to provide learning based on the premise that creativity, 盈利能力, 而增长是由有效的领导推动的. 了解更多 在这里.
  • 工作场所接触 全面的, in-person sessions that offer participants the tools needed to support themselves and their colleagues. 阅读更多 在这里.
  • 高级广告研究学会 的 高级广告研究学会 is a comprehensive, multi-week program designed for talent with one to five years experience. 对于新专业人士, it’s an opportunity to learn new ways of thinking and gain an enhanced ability to work virtually in a team environment. 为机构, 这是对员工的宝贵投资, as they’ll return to work with a better understanding of the big picture, and a renewed passion for doing great work and increasing their contributions. 更多的 在这里.
  • 工艺技能 From C-level executives to new hires launching their professional careers, the 4A’s offers 最好的。-in-class learning and career development programs. We offer ever-expanding experiences in a variety of formats, 包括按需网络研讨会, 半天和全天的工作坊, and multi-day experiential programs and certifications. We develop up-to-the-moment offerings, like our modules to enhance your remote-work experience. We will help you win over the top talent with programs that develop every person on your team. 了解更多.
  • 人才讲座播客系列 A series of conversations with 人力资源, 人才, 学习 & 发展, and 多样性 executives to address what digital work is in our new world and how to maintain the humanity of it all. 查找最新信息 在这里.
  • 4权益 & 包括国会 国会正在 行业 专业人士一起解决社会问题, 文化, and organizational challenges experienced by our diverse populations. To learn more about the free four-day event in September and October 2020, 点击这里.

成立于1997年 4的基础 was created to galvanize the industry around improving the level of diversity within advertising and 媒体 agencies. 近20年来, the Foundation has been providing financial support to multi文化 individuals studying advertising, 媒体, 和/或创意艺术, as well as resources to programs and initiatives in NYC that cover the following categories for our industry: Education, 就业, 外展, 订婚, 和保留. 同时, 它吸引了大学, 大学和认可的投资组合学校, which help identify high potential students willing and able to make a difference in our community.


  • MAIP 的使命 the 4A’s Multi文化 Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) is to provide and showcase the advertising industry with the 最好的。 talent through world-class development opportunities. For over four decades, MAIP has been the industry leader in accomplishing this mission. 在大小和规模上无与伦比的, it has evolved into a professional development program and network that has impacted more than 3,500人. 了解更多.

没有头盔? 没有安全网? 没有降落伞? 不,谢谢. 4的好处 is the for-profit sister organization of the 4A’s. Consider them your safety net, no matter the situation.

60+ years experience + access to the entire marketing industry = the 最好的。 福利项目. 访问 4的好处 了解更多信息.


4的 provides guidance at the intersection of talent, 股本, 包容, 继续教育. 请与……联系 西蒙•芬威克 执行副总裁-人才,公平 & 夹杂物)或 肖恩大 (VP, Instructional Design – Professional and 组织发展) to start the conversation.

4A会员折扣 & 独家提供


会员制计划 provides access to exclusive offers and benefits on leading products and services that support your daily business needs.

是否需要信息 & 新商业宣传的资源, 活动数据, 更多办公空间, 或者是热门行业活动的门票, 你会想退房的 AAP第一.

AAP 是一站式的有价值的报价吗, 精心挑选的合作伙伴, 跨越的类别如下:

  • 媒体研究
  • 新业务支持
  • 员工的支持
  • 房地产
  • 行业活动



4的 oversees 30+ committees across all industry disciplines, from Professional & 组织发展 to 人力资源 to 项目管理 and everything in between. 这些委员会在全国举行会议 & 区域. In addition to meeting to discuss their business interests, 4A的委员会成员帮助区域性项目 & national events, author industry guidance, and provide their expertise to other members. 点击这里了解更多.

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